
Posts Tagged ‘electrician’

Builder sacked for not showing his arse crack

In Crazy YarpNews, Naughty Yarpnews on February 26, 2014 at 1:44 pm

Builder’s bum – a reputable building firm cannot exist without one

Well known building firm, Gerry Builders, is in hot water this week after sacking an employee because he bought a belt.

Ex-builder Sandy Plank (24) is claiming unfair dismissal after Tom Gerry, owner of Gerry Builders fired him because he was no longer fit for purpose and failed to live up to his job description.

“We have to have at least one employee with a builder’s bum in order to be seen as a credible building firm – to go without one goes against all the building codes and regulations. I explained this all to Sandy and asked him to take off his belt, but he wouldn’t. I offered him the position as the cowboy builder, but he said he didn’t like the hat.  He wouldn’t wear the hat and he wouldn’t let his behind hang out, so I had to let him go. I have the company’s reputation to think of.”

“We had to fire him,” Tom Gerry told the Industrial Tribunal. “As a reputable building firm we employ a team of tradesmen including a plumber, builder, carpenter, electrician and a fat, tea swilling, chip butty eating bloke whose arse hangs out of his trousers. Our plumber plumbs, our builder builds and it was Sandy’s job to show his crack.