
Strange footstool fossil discovered in Siberia

In Crazy YarpNews on March 7, 2011 at 1:14 pm

Yugo Digiditch and his fossilized footstool

A recent discovery of an unknown fossil in the frozen wastelands of Siberia currently has the scientific world jumping up and down with excitement.

What is believed to be a frozen footstool has been unearthed in the Yakutsk region in Russia’s far east.

“It’s an unbelievable find,” said Russian archeologist Yugo Digaditch. “We think it maybe a prehistoric stool – you know the kind you put your feet on or it could be a giant rabbit. We won’t really know until we thaw it out and get to look at it a bit more closely.”

“We do know that it is quite hairy … and it seems to smell a bit.”

Paleontologists throughout the world are eager to see this amazing discovery for themselves, but Mr Digaditch is keeping its exact location a secret.

“Some people have said that I am not experienced enough to handle this dig. But I say to those people, ‘Go to hell!’I have everything I need here. I am sure that if I use my hairdryer long enough and look hard enough the answers will be staring me in the face.”

What do you think?